Monday, November 28, 2011

How to help soothe your teething baby naturally | Betsy Dewey

How to help soothe your teething baby naturally | Betsy Dewey

Teething.  Uggh.  Some say that runny noses, fever, and lethargy are not symptoms of teething.  I say – they're really incorrect.  Each time my babies were cutting teeth, they got cranky, feverish and had super-runny noses.  Whether the teething leaves them susceptible to colds or whether teething is the cause of these symptoms, I can't say.  Though I can tell you what has always helped to ease the suffering.

Homeopathics work

By far and away, the items that helped to soothe my teething children are homeopathic teething remedies – the small pills, the gels, and the liquids.  The best are Hyland's teething tablets.  Because they contain belladonna, they have been temporarily and absurdly taken off the shelves of stores.  Though, the gel is still available and works wonders.  You need to use it a lot. Each two hours, spray a small on your clean finger and place it in your baby's mouth.  You're held to place it on their gums, but I found that just getting in their mouths did the trick.

Teething tablets to head off ear infections? Yes!

One time we called the local pharmacy fearing an ear infection.  Our baby had been tugging on his ears and had a fever.  The wise woman questioned if he had been teething.  We said that indeed he had.  She said to give him the homeopathic teething tablets religiously each two hours and that it would probably all clear up.  They urge the teething tablets whenever there is teething plus: ear aches, fever, crankiness, etc.  She swore by it, and so do I.  When your baby starts teething, stock up on homeopathics and use them liberally!

Where do you get homeopathic medicine?  Health food stores and forward thinking pharmacies.  I also saw the teething gel at Target just.  The two brands I have seen and used are Hyland and Boiron.  Incredible stuff.  Especially considering that it's inert and has zero side effects.

Cold and Hard?

The additional natural thing that people do is give their babies something cold and hard to gnaw on.  I never found this to be very useful, but it might work for you.  Instead of spending $ on plastic, ooze-to the top teethers, you might try wetting a rag and sticking it in your freezer.  Some parents find that this is soothing to their children.  Not mine.  They weren't interested in a frozen rag or a $10 teether.  Frozen blueberries and bananas are just always a huge favorite, teething or not.


Breastfeeding, and lots of it, was also a huge hit when teething was a issue.  And parents – if you ever find yourself taking off or landing in an airplane with a screaming baby, nursing is a magical trick.  Sucking helps to regulate pressure in the ears.  It can be so hard to be a baby.

Extra patience and compassion is also key

When your baby is cranky and inconsolable, above all they need your patience. Losing it only exacerbates the mayhem. I reckon that for two years, each time I couldn't figure out why my baby was crying, I assumed he was teething. I felt sorry for him and gave him homeopathics.  If he was in a phase of waking up each two hours, once again - must be teething, poor dear. In hind site, I reckon this is a excellent defaulting. Your baby is always teething, poor dear. Bless their small heart, hold them, nurse them, dose them with homeopathic teething medicine, nurse them again. They are learning at a deep level that when they feel terrible, they won't be alone, that they are loved, and that their needs will be met.  Your personality is being chiseled your first six years. Teething is the weather and you are Rodin. And as for the teething, this too shall pass.

The rest is here:
the dental clinic

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