Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why does teething hurt babies but does not seem to affect six years age, when they get their permanent teeth?

Why does teething hurt babies but does not seem to affect six years age, when they get their permanent teeth?

I thought about this the other day, but many babies seem to have a very hard time when it comes to children’s diseases will come, but if you fall off your teeth when you are in kindergarten (and so on) it does not hurt when your adult teeth grow in. I do not remember unpleasant. I’m just curious .====================================

response of B
Perhaps because the milk teeth by the gum, but the permanent teeth through the hole left by the milk teeth come break. This sounds plausible;. But, this is just a guess

answer * Dreamer TTC # 2 *
Its amusing because my 7-year-ancient gets his molars now, and I question myself the same thing. He felt his tongue, but they do not hurt him. I reckon that because the gums are not as insightful and refined. But if I had my wisdom teeth really do hurt.

response from Carter’s Mama
It hurts when you grow in adult teeth with losing a baby tooth because the gums are opened. When babies are teething, their teeth to rip through the gums. I suspect, do not grow your wisdom teeth? Well, I’m in my 20s and my wisdom teeth are on the rise and it hurts terrible. I feel terrible for babies when they come all those teeth in. It can be very painful.

answer TIPH
Since the space already here is most likely the teeth dont really cut through the gums for adult teeth …. but this is not the case with all children, as my daughter didn’t have much pain when her baby was teeth but now in pain with her adult teeth from 7 shes lost so far a few of them hurt when they come back in. said …

answer the_emrod
Because it has a hole here! When my wisdom teeth in my 20s I went through was about 7 years of children’s diseases. Every 6 months here would be another growth spring out and it was itchy to start with then really sore round the gums.

What do you reckon? Answer below!
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Anyone ever have one of these chains and success? I ordered one from in the hope of a quick recovery of eczema … any feedback on these chains would be grateful !====================================

answer No, I do not want your homework
If it talks like a duck and waddles like a duck, it’s quackery.

response from Irene
No, but have you heard of Arbonne. You are 100% natural and certified vegan. My 4 year ancient has had eczema since she was 3 months ancient and I was able to go out of their RX lotions within a week. I like it, and now they sell and tell the world because it is incredible. I want to get a sample. Simply e-mail me.

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