Breastfeeding moms -- did your teething babies wake to nurse more often at night?
My son will be 4 months old on Sunday. When he was around 3 months, he would sleep pretty well and I would only have to get up once or twice at night to nurse him. In the last few weeks, though, he has been waking and wanting to nurse much more often — like every 2 hours. He is showing other signs of teething, and I wonder if his frequent night nursing is due to teething. Is this common around this age? Thanks!
Answer by LGM
My daughter never was a good sleeper, but teething didn’t cause more problems. I guess it is different with each child.
Answer by herdoula
Babies around that age might do that. He’s more actively involved in the world during the daytime so he may nurse more at night. He may also be teething too.
Answer by naitha
Oh yes! At 3 months we were congratulating ourselves that our daughter was sleeping through the night (10pm until 5 or 6 AM) but then teething started and all bets are off at around 4 months. Now at 5 months she’s still teething but seems to be sleeping better again. Not as well as at 3 months but better.
Answer by jonahs mom
It’s likely that he’s waking and the nursing gives him comfort. I know my son starts to wake up at night more often when he is teething. It could also be a growth spurt at this age. When his teeth get close to the surface tho nursing is painful for him (he likes getting a bottle of cold expressed milk). I like the hylands teething tablets for the less severe pain. I started using tiny teethers gel for my son this time tho(already has 2 teeth & is getting 2 more) for the more intense discomfort of the teeth actually breaking thru as he is having difficulty with nursing.
Answer by Sunny
Very similar to my situation. My baby’s 7 month old right now. Right now, she has one teeth out & another one is showing up too. But I think it started coming out(invisible) since 4 & half month old. That’s the time she started to wake up more – 2-3 times at night. Around 6 month, when I could feel a tiny teeth coming out, she started waking up every hour screaming & she goes back to sleep after I feed her. It was okay but now, when she’s in pain, she can’t sleep she even screams when I put her down. I finally started giving her Motrin, directed by her doctor & it helps. Right now, her teething’s so bad that I barely sleep at night. GOOD LUCK!!
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I have been told, but unsure if its just a wivestale, that baby oralgel causes the baby’s gums to harden and can cause his/her teeth to grow in crooked?
Answer by bbbbbbecky
I don’t know about that, but the numbing can be an annoyance to the baby. It can numb their tongue and doubt that feels good!
Answer by lilsnob8681
I have heard its safe but I never used it. I just used tylenol every 4-6 hours. I don’t feel in my opinion that is good for a baby’s mouth, maybe an adult yes, but not a baby. They are just so fragile. I would stick with tylenol and I wouldn’t waste your money on the teething tablets b/c those didn’t work either. Good Luck!!
Answer by Johnny’s Mommy
I don’t know about the accuracy of what you’ve been told – but my doc says that oragel is not necessary. It only works for a few minutes, until the baby’s saliva washes it away. My doc told me to relieve teething pain, to give baby some tylenol.
Answer by Anthony’s__mama
most of the time babies teeth grown in crooked anyway they will straighten out as the other teeth come in and if they don’t they will fall out when they are older. as long as you don’t use it anymore than 4 times a day it’s ok. If you prefer not to use it try putting an ice cube inside a baby face cloth and use an elastic to secure it ( make sure it can’t slip off ) wet the end where the ice cube is and let the baby chew on it. It works well.
Answer by tiffany
I had never heard that, very interesting. I used it a few times with my eldest and it really just ticked him off. He would shriek when I put it on him so I did not really use it. I would jsut use tylenol if it was really uncomfortable, otherewise teething rings or cold fruit in one of those mesh pouches. My friend has 2 older boys who used it many times a day and their teeth were never crooked. Besides they are just baby teeth and they will fall out anyway.
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