Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rubbing Vodka or Rum on a teething baby?

Rubbing Vodka or Rum on a teething baby?

Baby Teething & Crying: How To Sooth Baby And Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Infant teething can be a difficult time for baby and mother alike. However there are some things you can do to ease the discomfort and stop the crying. Learn about:

The Baby Teething Phase
Baby Teething Symptom Controversy
The Right Teething Toy
A Teething Pacifier to Cool Baby's Sore Mouth?
How Teething Crib Rails Can Make Life Easier for your Baby
Does a Baby Teething Ring do any Good?
Important Facts About the Baby Teething Biscuit
Understanding The Crying Game

List Price: $ 4.88


Has anyone else heard stories about this? My son is only 3 months old and not teething yet. But I was having a conversation at work with some co-workers about teething babies and one actually suggested rubbing a little Vodka or Rum on their gums to help numb it!

Of course I won’t be doing this when my son starts to teeth, but was wondering if anyone else has heard of this?? Is this insane? Is this what parents did back in the day when there was no Baby Oralgel?


Answer by Obama Rocks My Vote! Obama-Biden
It’s an old school remedy and yes, a very bad idea!

Answer by Pippin
It’s an old folk remedy. It’s not recommended today (there are certainly safer remedies) but neither is it ‘insane.’ Baby wouldn’t absorb much alcohol.

(My mom used to tell me that that’s what her doctor advised — pour a shot of vodka, rub a little on baby’s gums, and then mom drinks the rest.)

Answer by Cin
it’s whisky….it numbs the gums. I havent tried it yet but parents did it all the time back then

Answer by rdtotteniii@sbcglobal.net
It was done and most doctors agree that it is not likely to cause harm. But why take the chance? There is Oragel now.

Answer by Busy Mommy
I’ve heard of it, but never tried it. I just used oralgel :)

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My 10 month old used to drink 26 oz of formula a day. Suddenly she quit drinking formula, juice, water or whatever I put in front of her she throws a fit and refuses it. Most days I can get about 8 oz in her. She is still eating her food, but won’t eat her bottles. Should I be worried about dehydration? Could this be from teething?


Answer by momof2
when my daughter’s front teeth were coming through, she really didn’t want her bottle because her gums were too sore, but she’d still eat the mushy babyfoods i’d give her. when i’d put numbing gel (like orajel) on her gums, she’d be more likely to take a bottle after that.
or you can try and spoonfeed her some water or milk. if she eats regular babyfood, that will deliver some fluids, but she should probably get some more fluids than just that. if you are concerned, check with your pediatrician.

Answer by heather c
You could try watching her with some beef jerky sticks to numb the pain of her gums. The spices in the jerky soothe and numb. They may make her thirsty too. Does she drink from a cup yet? You could try something new with her if she doesn’t. My 9 month old son doesn’t drink as much as he did before he started teething. He keeps eating his solids and he chews biter biscuits from Gerber and an occasional beef jerky. I gave him a cup and he doesn’t suck the liquid, he gets drops out from gnawing on the spout. It’s something to try or think about if she hasn’t started a sippy yet. Good luck!

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