Q&A: bad to use whiskey for teething babies?
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I always wondered if it’s bad to use put a little whiskey in a babies mouth who is teething..I know parents who did it to their kids and they seem just fine. So really, is it ok?
Answer by army wife and a sahm i luv it
i wouldnt use it on my son but like you said my parents did it for me and i turned out fine havent had liquor since. not sure exactly what benefits it has why any one would do that to begin with though.
oh but if you are asking because you have a teething baby use baby orajel or teething tablets they numb the gums up and help the baby alot.
Answer by No Bull!
yes it is bad, no it’s not ok. that’ll prob burn the baby’s mouth more than anything and why give a baby alcohol knowing the damage it can do overtime? you wouldn’t give a baby some meth to help with teething. just because it’s available does not mean you should use it.
Answer by Mel
no it is not ok…..they sell baby ambesol (not sure if I spelled it correctly)….the gum numbing ointment. I used it for my kids and it seemed to work…..this will work, but remember babies will cry over this and it’s perfectly normal.
Answer by K
alcohol doesn’t have to be consumed to go into the body, it can be absorbed. that’s how it works. In my opinion, there are other ways to relieve such as teething gels, and some cough medicines have alcohol in it.
Answer by Kelera
You’re risking a lot by doing it. I think it’s kind of lazy and immoral.
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My daughter is 7 months old and she is getting a top tooth in. She is not eating well lately up she will let me breastfeed her. Normal she is a very good eater. I concerned. Any suggestion on what helps a teething baby besides tylenol and oragel? Thanks
Answer by Ann D
Very normal teething hurts. Tea tree oil can sometimes help along with letting them suck on a dill pickle if they like the vinegar is helpful. But don’t worry about her not eating if you are nursing her she is getting everything she needs. For a sweet bit a relief think about offering her a popsicle from time to time.
Answer by Amy
VERY NORMAL! They nurse for comfort <3 Feel loved by it haha. Hylands teething tablets worked great for me the week my daughter's first teeth popped. Good luck!!!
Answer by happyjumpyfrog
Babies often go off their food when they are teething, don’t worry unless it goes on once the tooth has come through. Here in the UK we have ‘bikkypegs’, which are very hard biscuits a baby can chew on, this often helps. Also get a teething ring you can put in the fridge and she can chew on it when it is cold. Actually any thing she likes to put in her month could be put in the fridge and then given to her.
Answer by macdoodle
teething rings less chemicals and talk to the doctor teething should not stop eating.
Answer by blue_eyed_brat78
Yes in my experience i breast fed to boys, one all the way though a mouth full of teeth,Her mouth hurts,she’s cranky so she does not want to eat,do you when you feel like that? As long as she is still nursing she should be OK. try giving her a damp cloth with an ice cube in it before you try to feed her she may be more willing to eat if her mouth feels better. Remember though this too shall pass,and have faith in you breast milk it will be enough to get her through.
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