Teething In Babies | My Amber Teething Necklace
Teething can be a mildly stressful and certainly irritating period for children and their families. It may help to know what can be expected if your baby is teething and the way to make the really hard days for your baby less agonizing. Teething can start as soon as 3 months and continue on until a child's 3rd birthday.
Typically, linking the ages of 4 and 7 months, you probably find the child's first tooth emerging through their gums. The pattern of growth usually starts with both of the bottom front teeth, also called the central incisors. These are then followed 4 to 8 weeks later by the 4 front top teeth (central and lateral incisors). About 4 weeks later, the bottom lateral incisors (the two teeth flanking the lower front teeth) will show up, giving the child a nice set of 8 gnashers with which to strike that lovely small baby smile!
The next teeth to crack through a gum line are the very first molars (these are the teeth we use for grinding foods), then eventually the eyeteeth (the sharp teeth in the upper jaw useful for ripping). Most children get all 20 of their milk teeth by their 3rd birthday. (If your small child experiences a significant delay, speak to your doctor.)
In certain rare situations, babies may be born with a couple of teeth or have a tooth appear surrounded by the first few weeks of life. Unless the teeth are interfering with feeding or are loose enough to cause a choking risk, then it's usually nothing to worry about. Obviously, keep an eye on these teeth and have your doctor check them out if you're worried in any way.
Teething babies and toddlers frequently drool more and like to gnaw on objects in order to relieve the pain in their gums. In some babies, teething is pain-free. Others can experience small periods of irritation, while some may appear irritable for several weeks, with fits of crying and disrupted sleeping and intake patterns. If your baby seems very cranky, talk to your doctor.
There are many medications offered through your drug store but there are also incredibly excellent, healthy solutions such as amber teething necklaces. Amber is renowned as a drug-free pain killer. It is renowned for its healing properties and also helps boost the immune system. It is frequently made into a thread of necklace. It is believed that keeping it close to the skin will bring all the natural healing properties to the user. The real bonus of using a natural solution, and because each wave of teething may last several weeks, is that it helps prevent extended use of medication. Although the medication given to teething kids is normally a mild pain reliever, it is best if it can be avoided altogether whilst still helping to keep the child pain-free.
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