Baby Aspirin - babies born december 2009 - Circle of Moms
Michelle - posted on 10/10/2011 (1 mom has helped)
My parents have said I should give my 11mo ancient a low dose baby aspirin, St John’s orange flavored, I reckon it’s 81mg.
I have a 28 month ancient toddler teething her 2-yr molars and my 11month has 9 teeth already. But obviously there’s ache and the teething tablets don’t work for my 28month ancient (they did for her additional teeth but I reckon these are tougher to get thru) and with my 11 month ancient cutting so many teeth at the same time or surrounded by weeks of each additional, she wasn’t sleeping well. I’m still nursing on demand so she want to nurse to ease her ache or to have me close while she gnaws on me. During the night, I’d like to take a nap 5 hrs straight through and don’t reckon she’s waking because of hunger. My parents suggest to give the 28 month ancient a full tablet (they’re pretty small,the circumference of a pea) and my 11 month ancient 1/2 a tablet. Their rationale is that they did it with my brother and I and we’re fine that it’s more natural (made from tree bark) that ibuprofen which are completely chemical. I called our Dr’s office and of course they said no for both ages.
My question is, have you used it and had any problems? Please don’t respond if you’re going to be mean. I’m wanting to know if ANYONE is using a low dose baby aspirin for their children under 3 or has everyone switched to ibuprofen any Tylenol?
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