Friday, October 14, 2011

Baby Teething Issues: Does Teething Have to be a Pain for Parents ...

Baby Teething Issues: Does Teething Have to be a Pain for Parents ...

Expert Answer (Posted by Charity-15003 , Baby’s First Year – General Expert)

When my son Bear started teething at the ripe ancient age of 4 months, I didn’t know what to do! He went through tons of bibs, cried like his heart was breaking, chewed on everything in sight, and even bit ME!!! Baby teething issues can really stress you out! It’s really scary and frustrating when your new baby is in pain, but luckily there are some simple tips to help alleviate the headache for baby AND you.

Linking the ages of 4 and 7 months, you should start to see chewing and drooling from your small one. This means the bottom teeth are starting to erupt. Don’t worry if it starts as early as 3 months or late as 1 year. Usually the bottom teeth come first, then the top 2, then sides, and finally the molars in the toddler years. If you are worried that your baby has been toothless too long, consult his pediatrician or dentist.

Once you see redness, tenderness, or a dark blister on the gums, you know it’s time! Rubbing the gums with your clean finger, supplying clean teething toys, or giving a frozen wet washcloth to baby can really help her feel better. When baby is ancient enough to eat solid food, cold fruit such as pureed applesauce can be super soothing. There are also small mesh bags with handles available for babies over the age of 6 months. You can place bananas or additional soft foods in them and pop them in the freezer. My son likes frozen watermelon and he can rub it on his swollen gums himself. For this busy mom, it’s a lifesaver!

Be sure to keep baby’s drool from causing a rash. Gently wiping with a dry cloth helps, as does my doctor’s recommendation: a smear of petroleum jelly to protect delicate skin. This is also a fantastic time to start reinforcing excellent dental hygiene for a lifetime of healthy teeth. You have probably already been wiping down baby’s gums since birth. Continue (or start!), using any a special baby toothbrush or clean gauze. Baby might swallow flouride and that could be perilous, so toothpaste isn’t needed until around age 3. Make sure baby doesn’t fall asleep with a bottle in her mouth because this can cause tooth disease and decay.

Despite what your grandma may have told you, modern doctors don’t associate high fevers and diarrhea any longer. If they renovate, or if baby is extra irritable or has problems intake, be sure to call her doctor. Watch out for numbing gels; they can numb baby’s throat and cause choking. And remember, never use aspirin or alcohol as a pain reliever, they can lead to life-threatening conditions. If irritability is a real issue, infant acetaminophen under a doctor’s supervision might be your best bet.

Make sure you give your baby lots of hugs and special attention. This is a stressful time for babies too. Don’t fret! Baby teething issues are simple to over come. You got through teething as an infant, and your baby will too!

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