The Symptoms Of Teething Toddlers | LIVESTRONG.COM
When you baby’s teeth start to poke through his gums, usually when he is around four to seven months ancient, you may notice changes in the way your baby acts. These changes usually occur during an eight-day period that starts four days before the tooth emerges, according to a study published in the journal Pediatrics in 200. Knowing what symptoms to look for can help you to determine when your baby will have a new tooth come in.
Oral Pain
As the tooth works its way to the surface of the gum, your baby’s gum will be sore. It may also become inflamed. The tooth may cause the gum to bulge slightly, which causes difficulty and discomfort for your small one. You may also notice a bluish lump where the tooth is pushing on the gum. According to What to Expect, this is not serious, and the pain from it can be minimized with a cold compress. Your baby may want to bite to help relieve the pain. A cool damp towel or a refrigerated teething ring may provide relief. The pain of teething may cause your baby to become very cranky and irritable. Some babies become so irritated that they weep and nothing soothes them.
Drooling and Rash
When your baby starts teething, she will drool a lot more than normal. All of this excess drool runs down her chin, and it can cause a rash. Some children also get this rash on their cheeks and neck. Wiping the drool off as it comes into contact with your small one’s skin can help to prevent this rash, but, that is not always possible. Applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly can help to protect the skin and keep it moisturized to prevent a rash from occurring. This can also help to minimize irritation if the rash is already present, states Baby Center.
Changes in Sleep Pattern
The difficulty that your baby’s teeth place on his gums may cause him to wake up in the middle of the night or during nap time. Some babies will go back to sleep without any intercession from you, but, some babies do need reassuring. While it may be tempting to start nighttime feedings again, you will likely have to continue them after your baby’s tooth has erupted, so you may want to try just patting him on the back or cuddling him before you resort to the bottle.
Additional Symptoms
You may notice that your child’s appetite diminishes when she is teething. This is normal and it usually is not a cause for concern; but, if your child misses several meals, contact a doctor. Teething children may pull at their ears or rub their cheeks. Some parents attribute additional symptoms, including diarrhea, fever, coughing and congestion to teething, but not all doctors agree that these symptoms are a result of teething.
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