Baby's Teething - Family - Babies
You may be tickled pink to see that first tooth appear, but it’s up to you to make sure they keep smiling all the way into adulthood.
Most mums will be more than familiar with the warning signals that a tooth is making its lobby. Roaring red cheeks, terrible temper, dribbling and sleepless nights. From the moment that first incisor breaks through, it’s time to start your dental regime.
When to start brushing?
As soon as you spot the first tooth pushing through, it’s time to clean your baby’s teeth on a regular basis. Initially, use a damp piece of gauze or cotton bud to rub over the tooth. When the molars make an appearance, buy a soft-bristled toothbrush suitable for a baby and, by gentle small strokes, brush back and forth over the front, back and all chewing surfaces, making sure to be extra vigilant around the gums.
When can they start brushing their own teeth?
If your child insists on taking the toothbrush from you, you must resist the urge to hand it over. Brush your own teeth in front of her, making sure she sees you moving the brush up and down in gentle strokes, and then take her brush and do the same in her mouth. Choose a point during the day when she knows it’s teeth brushing time, such as just before bed, and get her into the routine of brushing her teeth.
In reality, you should supervise brushing in anticipation of your child is 11. In anticipation of she reaches the age of six, stand behind your child and physically brush for her, making sure she uses the right quantity of paste and that she rinses thoroughly.
Isn’t fluoride toothpaste terrible for young children?
The Dental Health Foundation recommends that parents don’t use toothpaste on children’s teeth in anticipation of age two, after that only use a small, pea-sized blob of toothpaste. If you have any queries, you can always question your dentist for advice. If your child swallows a large quantity of toothpaste, they can renovate flourosis, which can result in harmless but unsightly white patches on the teeth. Flourosis only affects teeth that are still forming under the gums, so grown-up children and adults are not at risk. Just make sure that your child is not swallowing the toothpaste as she brushes.
First trip to the dentist?
Most dentists would advise that your baby’s first visit should be accompanying you for your regular check-up to familiarise them with the set-up. After that, it is recommended that you take your child for their first check-up before the age of one, as it gives the dentist the chance to spot ahead of schedule signs of tooth decay and to teach parents how to care for their child’s teeth. It is also an opportunity for the dentist to spot potential feeding and hygiene patterns, which may contribute to tooth decay.
When to start flossing?
Only floss if the teeth have begun to touch each other. Wrap a length of floss tightly around two of your fingers and gently guide it between your child’s teeth, rubbing up and down slowly. Clean the gumline by sliding the floss under the gum in the space between gum and tooth, as you would do yourself.
What foods should be avoided?
Sweet, starchy or sticky foods should be avoided as they promote cavities. Limit your child to two to three snacks a day, choosing fresh fruit or vegetables and non-sugary drinks. Do not get into the habit of letting her suck sweet liquids, such as juice, minerals or milk, from a bottle. Only let her suck water from a bottle. For all other drinks, choose beakers, which can’t be sucked on indefinitely.
What about soothers and thumb sucking?
Your child’s jaw starts to align by the age of four, at which point further sucking of a thumb can produce the upper teeth to tip towards the lip. If your child has numerous baby teeth, a soother can push the upper teeth out and the lower teeth in.
If in doubt about any dental hygiene requirements, it is advisable to talk to your dentist. If you start to make your dentist a regular feature in your child’s life, it will alleviate any dread they could have about visits in the future.
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