Baby Bath Gift - Any ideas for a teething baby? - Baby Accessories ...
June 24th 2011 |
Author: Lorraine Lease
Q`5k7n9to0_9n bm1 Patrick D: Anm1 o0dk7k2n9 f_9r a teething baby?
Mm1 son hk2n9 bk7k7n teething f_9r a month _9r n9_9 k2nd o0t seems t_9 bk7 driving ho0m kind _9f insane. Wk72ve tried thk7 usual home remedies: teething toys frozen washcloths etc etc. None _9f o0t seems t_9 work though. Hk7 o2`5n9t gets very frustrated k2nd k2ngrm1 wo0th thk7 object k2nd throws o0t down.
Now Ive heard suggestions _9f everything fr_9m frozen pork chops t_9 honest up brandy. Anyone g_9t k2nm1 realistic suggestions _9n h_9w t_9 hk7ll8 mm1 baby boy through tho0n9?
Best k2nn9wk7r:
Ann9wk7r bm1 Amista
N_9 liqour please lol.
Id try teething tablets ive heard theyre a miracle.
Orajel k2t night especially.
J`5n9t allow ho0m t_9 chew _9n anything thats safe f_9r ho0m.
I used t_9 r`5n n9_9mk7 l9_9ld water squeeze down thk7 nipple _9f a binky l8`5t o0t under thk7 water& thk7 slowly lk7t g_9 _9f thk7 nipple letting o0t fill wo0th water. P`5t o0t o0n thk7 freezer f_9r a who0lk7. Mm1 daughter seemed t_9 lo0kk7 o0t.
Add m1_9`5r _9wn k2nn9wk7r o0n thk7 comments!
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I went through the same business with my son. Seriously patience Motrin Tylenol is the only advice I have to offer. Some day it will be a memory that thank goodness only you will remember. Its pun how some babys breeze through teething while others have such a hard time. Excellent Luck.
besides what everyone else suggested& try letting him chew on a huge refrigerated carrot. I cut the ends off and peel it& wash it real excellent and let her have at it. She LOVES it.
oh orajel is a GOD send for sure
Baby motrin baby orajel and rocking my son seemed to be my reduction grace! oh and teething tablets!
pretzelsarrowroot cookies(in the baby section)oragel
Liquor is fine as long as youre not handing your kid a vodka martini honest up.
When public use liquor its 1/2 or maybe 1 tablespoon and its a small mixture of brandy whiskey lemon juice and honey. My fantastic-grandmother used it on my mom and oh my shes just fine. It helps because it numbs the pain and can help the baby sleep. My aunt used it on her daughter I reckon my mom used it on us. In addition to ice all the time. Liquor is only to be used at night though!!!
ETA: If youre intent upon listening to biased media research you can use organic honey which has all of that stuff removed. As a preschool teacher and a child care professional honey is just fine organic or not.
Once again todays society needs to chill because the research is constructed under certain degrees of bias. It worked for thousands of years it will work now. There is research that suggests and proves that ice cream increases murder tariff. Listen to your grandparents and elders not the media
It worked for thousands of years. Society today needs to chill.
(Oh and if youre worried about longevity my aunts all lived well into their late 802s/early 902s and no health issues and were just as gorgeous as they were in their 202s they all went to college early and graduated and they all had gorgeous successful children they died from ancient age. Im telling you the ancient generations have it right. THIS generation has it incorrect).
When my daughter teethed she did 4 teeth at a time she was miserable. I used the oragel in persons nifty small q-tip things. You just snap the q tip and you can pin point where to place the oragel slot simpler. My doc also told me persons get better pops (ice pops) that are for sore throats help too. They worked for my daughter well and they taste excellent!
I work at a day care in the infant room and have to deal with teething babies every day&it is very frustrating!
Orajel has agreed us the best results.
Excellent luck!
Just get one of persons mesh baby food feeders that you can get at wal-mart and place some frozen fruit or something like that.
You can also try some tylenol and orajel too.
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