How to soothe a teething baby on Shine

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Crying child Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Crimfants
Just when you thought you had the hang of bedtime, your baby starts teething. This natural the boards can throw the most structured routine out the window. The fact that your baby is “just teething” does nothing to relieve the misery for the child, or the parents who are trying to comfort their small trooper. Teeth start their descent anywhere linking 3 and 12 months and since there are 20 baby teeth to account for, this the boards can last several months. Help ease the pain with the following baby-tested methods.
Chill the gums. Sore gums can be relieved with a dose of cold. Pop a wet washcloth in the freezer for your child to gnaw on, or use a freezable teether. Remember to take a excellent look at the teethers often to be sure there are not any tiny cracks that could allow the gel or liquid to seep out. Look for a pacifier-like teether that lets babies soothe hands-free, like the RaZbaby RaZ berry silicone teether. or try the Nuby Ice Gel Teether Keys which are both a favorite toy and a soothing item. The ring features three textured keys that can be stored in the refrigerator when not in use.
Go hands on. Massaging the gums with clean hands can do wonders. This especially works on persons teething babies who have a terrible habit of clamping down on a tender breast while feeding. Holding the baby close while massaging the gums helps to minimize pain and comforts a frustrated baby. A handy product is the Safety 1st Fingertip Toothbrush that slips over a parent’s finger. This small tool can be used to massage the gums, and it helps train children to get used to having their yet-to-appear teeth brushed.
Medicate. Topical teething gels can provide a bit of temporary relief. These products contain a local anaesthetic with an antiseptic, allowing it to numb and disinfect at the same time. Use only the products designed for infants — avoid the adult formulas, and alcohol!
If teething symptoms are accompanied by a fever, your doctor may urge baby acetaminophen or ibuprofen. These can offer a couple of hours of relief, but of course it cannot be abused. For persons who like to use natural remedies, OralSoothe is a homeopathic teething remedy that is dissolved in a baby’s mouth. It contains all natural ingredients such as chamomile and passiflora and can be very effective in sinking painful symptoms.
Maintain routines. Sticking with regular bedtimes and routines can also comfort your child. It may not appear to be a comfort, but helping to control the ache while maintaining some level of predictability lets a child relax enough to get the proper take a nap. Poor take a nap can exacerbate teething problems.
It is typically unnecessary to see a doctor for teething, but if the symptoms seem severe, do not let up, or if they do not have any teeth by 12 months, give the pediatrician a call. My kids were late to the teething party, but eventually they caught up. Usually there is no cause for alarm, but sometimes you just need to be reminded that this, too, will pass.
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