Wendy's Baby Diary: 18 weeks – I nearly gave up David Tennant for my baby

Babies come with sacrifices – social, financial, habitual – and I've gotten used to charitable up / sinking alcohol, caffeine & sleep among others. But this week called for the sacrifice of Much Ado About Nothing tickets, starring David Tennant and Catherine Tate, as it was apt a logistical and babysitting nightmare.
I'm pleased to report it all worked out at the last small, and we had our first sundown out without Dillon in the four months since he was born. Fantastic show too.
What the baby has been doing this week
If I place Dillon on his back he will usually roll onto his front, then holds his head and bottom in the air and proudly rocks in that place – his knees push forwards but he hasn't worked out what to do with his hands. Ultimately he cries in frustration and I exchange his position.
Teething – Dillon started to teeth a couple of weeks ago. Symptoms are lots of saliva, pushing his fists in his mouth, trying to bite down on any quick piece of fabric or toy and the ubiquitous crying. I've had some excellent advice from a friend who recommended Calpol and a gum gel which relieves soreness – we got Dentinox but there are additional brands. We have teething rings for him which also work. Apparently babies can start to feel their teeth coming through up to two months before they appear, and will continue to teeth up to 2 ½ years ancient.
Dillon was agreed a fantastic toy from M&S called My First Magic Mirror Mainframe which plays songs at the touch of a button. It's marketed for 1 year olds but Dillon likes the music, lights and mirror and bashes away at the buttons indiscriminately with his fist and usually manages to press something. I'm sure the batteries will wear out soon.
Pushchair – if you are choosing a pram this one item will take a lot of thought, as well as life one of the most expensive buys. We settled on a Quinny Buzz travel system which has a three wheel base and is compatible with a car seat, a cot and a chair. It suits our lifestyle which includes lots of trips in the car and outdoor walks with the dog. Its downsides are size (width) and weight (reasonably heavy) but then so is the car seat.
We have a 5 year ancient chocolate Labrador and we had concerns about how the dog would get on with the baby. The dog is reasonably noisy and strong, even if he is excellent with additional public's children. It has been a gradual integration helped by separating parts of the house with baby gates and the dog instructed to keep away from toys, mats and chairs which belong to the baby. But this did not stop the groundbreaking new Bumbo chair from life chewed (wrecked) we are onto a second Bumbo which is kept out of the dog's reach.
Earlier on this week I was feeling really drained and didn't make it out of the house to see a friend as arranged. I'm feeling rejuvenated after my sundown to see Shakespeare in the West End and weekends are always better as my husband is around to help. I'm not sure what advice to give as I reckon I need it for myself, but babies are more work than I appreciated and when I'm struggling I need to question for help. I reckon I have a excellent support network; it's a case of dismissing feelings of pride and inadequacy and life honest. I'm sure lots of mums have times when you feel like you're not coping.
Until next time – I get by with a small help from my friends.
© Wendy Thomson
Wendy Thomson is the editor of http://www.femalearts.com an online publication which promotes women in the arts and in business.
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