Teething - Heart Beats

4/3/11- Aohdan at 4 months and 8 days
Here are 5 signs that your baby is teething
- Bulging gums – you can really see the outline of the teeth as they are bulging inside the gums. The middle bottom teeth are usually the first house this happens.
- Drooling – it will seem like someone left a “drool faucet” on inside your baby’s mouth.
- Fussing – baby often will be converted into cranky and more trying to console.
- Night waking – most babies sleep honestly well between one and four months of age, but now the honeymoon is over! Beginning around four months of age, baby may start waking up much more frequently at night.
- Biting – baby will start chewing on everything he can get his hands, or gums, on – his fingers, your fingers, toys, and especially the breast.
- Anything cold – here are a variety of cool favorites:
- Frozen teething rings
- Ice – rub an ice cube along baby’s gums.
- Frozen juice slushy or popsicle
- Cold spoons
- Frozen bagel or banana
- Frozen washcloth
- Medications
- Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen– these are both safe and effective pain relievers to help your baby, and you, get some sleep. Click on these for dosing.
So, is Aohdan teething? Possibly, they say that a baby can show signs of teething weeks before their first tooth breaks through. I have included a picture of Aohdan sucking on his fingers from now and a video from yesterday, if you watch his mouth meticulously you can see him chewing and playing with his tongue.

Heart Beat Moment: Tonight, I read to Aohdan a few books. He showed an interest for the first time! He was beginning to weep and I brought out a book and he stopped. So, we read for awhile. Then, I sang to him and he fell asleep. I place him in his crib, and he woke up. He was a bit cranky tonight but not nearly as terrible as yesterday.
One Day at a Time,
Donate to Aohdan’s Diaper Fund
Excerpt from:
the dental practice
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