Teething and Public Breastfeeding: Not So Picturesque | Babys ...

See them? See the teeth?
I was feeling all warm and fuzzy and kumbaya in this area these celebs who breastfeed in public when I whipped it out at the playground this morning – until Abby bit me. There I was, feeling full of hippie like and granola fullness in the balmy sunshine, lovingly cradling my giant infant in my lap, when I let out a shocked yell and ruined the whole picture. Thank goodness I'm not Maggie Gyllenhall! That would have been a really embarrassing Gawker moment!
Abby's remarkably excellent-natured in this area the fact that she's getting four teeth at once – all up top, advancing up through her gums like a prowling army. I check them every few hours and it seems like there's more tooth every time. I thank my (and her) lucky stars that she doesn't get the mad black blood-blisters and low-grade fevers that Penny got with every new tooth, at smallest amount. But like I said, she just sails by the side of with her sunshiney smile, taking all that gum-pain in stride. So maybe I must be remarkably excellent-natured in this area these affectionate nip-nips.
It's not like my nipples are so special. The child gnaws on everything. The high-chair tray. Assorted toys. My used Kleenex.
Penny used to get super-frightened when I yelped in pain, but Abby just rears back and smiles at me, as if to say "I know, I just used these things!" But then she stops, or is done eating. And she really doesn't do it very hard – I have acquaintances whose babies draw blood! She just draws yelps!
It's times like these when I have a secret envy of moms who didn't breastfeed. Oh, tsk all you want, but their babies are completely fine, and they take a nap at night. And they can take cold medicine, which I can't do aptly now, and I am suffering! I'm so clogged up, the Neti Pot can't bust through! (That's a lot of in rank and a yucky mental picture! I apologize!)
Then again, I don't have to pack food – it packs itself. And 3am feeds are a breeze. Okay, boobs rule. For me. No judgment!
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Observations: (4)
Tags: 6th month, baby teething, breasfeeding and hurtful, deciduous teeth, milk teeth, month 6, month six, sixth month, teething
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